Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Robotics Lab is almost Ready!

All the equipment for the robotics lab of IEEE is ready now.
So you can start thinkning about building a useful and also clever robots!!
Contact:MSK-9866448400 to know more about the lab's equipment!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Robotics in Technozion

What now?
U've seen the problem statement.
U need to make the robot.
U need to win.

Thats gonna be very easy if u do it in steps and its gonna be hell lot of fun.

All u need to make a robot is

-a bread board
-a digital multimeter
-a lead acid battery(6 or 9V or 12 V)
-a solderin rod
-IC L293D
-geared DC motors
-some switches
-some wheels of the toy cars of the good old childhood days..!
-a bunch of wires
-an innovative brain!

watch out for more....

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Quote of the day 11th November

Be strong, get beyond all superstitions, and be free.
- Swami Vivekananda

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Biggest Robotic Challenge ever,THE DARPA CHALLENGE

What is the Urban Challenge?
Grand Challenge 2005 Start
The DARPA Urban Challenge is an autonomous vehicle research and development program with the goal of developing technology that will keep warfighters off the battlefield and out of harm�s way. The Urban Challenge features autonomous ground vehicles maneuvering in a mock city environment, executing simulated military supply missions while merging into moving traffic, navigating traffic circles, negotiating busy intersections, and avoiding obstacles.

The program is conducted as a series of qualification steps leading to a competitive final event, scheduled to take place on November 3, 2007, in Victorville, California. DARPA is offering $2M for the fastest qualifying vehicle, and $1M and $500,000 for second and third place.

This program is an outgrowth of two previous DARPA Grand Challenge autonomous vehicle competitions. The first Grand Challenge event was held in March 2004 and featured a 142-mile desert course. Fifteen autonomous ground vehicles attempted the course and no vehicle finished. In the 2005 Grand Challenge, four autonomous vehicles successfully completed a 132-mile desert route under the required 10-hour limit, and DARPA awarded a $2 million prize to �Stanley� from Stanford University.

What is an autonomous ground vehicle?

An autonomous ground vehicle is a vehicle that navigates and drives entirely on its own with no human driver and no remote control. Through the use of various sensors and positioning systems, the vehicle determines all the characteristics of its environment required to enable it to carry out the task it has been assigned.

Why develop autonomous vehicles?

The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001, Public Law 106-398, Congress mandated in Section 220 that �It shall be a goal of the Armed Forces to achieve the fielding of unmanned, remotely controlled technology such that� by 2015, one-third of the operational ground combat vehicles are unmanned.� DARPA conducts the Urban Challenge program in support of this Congressional mandate. Every �dull, dirty, or dangerous� task that can be carried out using a machine instead of a human protects our warfighters and allows valuable human resources to be used more effectively.

Who are the teams?

The Urban Challenge teams come from across the United States and around the world, and share a passion for the advancement of robotic technology and machine intelligence. This diverse group includes teams from both academia and the robotics, automotive, and defense industries. Some teams are affiliated with organizations, others are groups of volunteers who have come together specifically for the challenge. Each is working to develop a vehicle to complete the 60-mile urban course in less than six hours. Please visit the Teams page for more information.

What are Tracks A and B?

When the Urban Challenge kicked off, DARPA announced an opportunity for teams to receive funding in amounts up to $1M to develop their autonomous vehicle. Sixty-five proposals were reviewed and evaluated, and 11 recipients were announced. �Track A� refers to the teams that were selected to receive funding. All teams compete on an equal footing to participate in the Urban Challenge.

How does a team apply to participate in the Urban Challenge?

The application period closed in October 2006.

Team leaders applied to participate more than one year before the event by providing DARPA with basic information on their teams and vehicles. From this point, teams underwent a rigorous evaluation and qualification process: demonstration videos were due in April 2007, technical papers were due in June 2007, and site visit tests were conducted in July 2007. Teams that were successful were invited to participate in the National Qualification Event on October 26-31 2007, where they will compete for the chance to participate in the Urban Challenge Final Event on November 3, 2007.

Eleven of the 89 teams participating, the �Track A� teams, applied for and received seed funding for development of their vehicle. The 78 �Track B� teams are entirely self-supported.

Click Here for the sample Video:

Sunday, November 4, 2007

R.O. on November 4th 07

As the response to the ever growing interest shown by the

Student community in robotics, IEEE SB is planning to start off a

Robotics Library from January 1st 2008 with the equipment for robotic contests and projects and make it available for IEEE members for 2008. The members also can clarify their doubts regarding robotics from experienced students in IEEE

for more details
contact : M.Sai Krishna
room: 6-2-14,

Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Robotics Forum of IEEE Student Branch, NITW

This is an interactive site to share your interests and doubts regarding robotic projects and contests. Feel free to post in your doubts and views about this ever growing trend in this modern engineering era.You will be regulartly told about the going to be held contests and events in robotics in INDIA. Those who are IEEE members can also gain access to the robotics equipment to be purchased by the IEEE Student Branch NITW. You can mail your queries to